Previous minutes on file in St. Peter Office
St. Peter Church
1801 S. Miami Ave.
Marshall, MO 65340
Telephone: 660-886-7960
Fax : 660-886-7954
Parish Office Hours / Horas de Oficina:
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to Noon
1:00 to 3:00p.m.
Please handle regular business during these hours.
The bulletin deadline is Tuesday at Noon. Items for the bulletin must be pre-approved with the pastor.
SATURDAY 4:00 PM Slater SUNDAY 9:00 AM
5:30 PM Marshall 11:00 AM in Spanish
WEEKDAYS - (No Mass on Monday)
Tuesday 5:30 PM in chapel
Wednesday, Friday 8:00 AM in chapel
Thursday 8:00 AM at St. Peter School
Video Mass Schedule /Programa de video:
Saturday - 5:30 p.m. - English
Confessions / Confesion: Anointing of the Sick:
Sunday: 8:00-8:45 or 10:00-10:45 by request
or by appointment: 660-886-7960
Mission Statement
We, the Parish of St. Peter in Marshall, MO., by virtue of our baptism, are a Catholic Christian community called to bring about the redemptive power of Jesus through the sacraments. We endeavor to keep abreast of a changing world and the rites of the church so that we may truly understand the loving relationship we have with God our Father, and our Brothers and Sisters in the faith. We therefore resolve to be a Eucharistic people, knowing that Christ is our head, and we are the members of His body the church, striving to treat all members of this family in a loving and reconciling manner.
Estado de la misión
Nosotros, la Parroquia de St. Peter en Marshall, MO., En virtud de nuestro bautismo, somos una comunidad cristiana católica llamada a realizar el poder redentor de Jesús a través de los sacramentos. Nos esforzamos por mantenernos al tanto de un mundo cambiante y de los ritos de la iglesia para que podamos comprender verdaderamente la relación amorosa que tenemos con Dios nuestro Padre, y con nuestros hermanos y hermanas en la fe. Por lo tanto, decidimos ser un pueblo eucarístico, sabiendo que Cristo es nuestra cabeza y que somos los miembros de su cuerpo, la iglesia, esforzándonos por tratar a todos los miembros de esta familia de una manera amorosa y reconciliadora.